Neuro & Ortho
Humeral Head Retractor
18.0 mm blade, 8-3/4" (22.2 cm)Â Humeral Head Retractor is for use in orthopedic surgical procedures. This instrument is designed for use in retraction of the humeral head. It is well suited to do so because of the scoop shaped design of its head that contours to the head of the humerus. Additionally the handle is flat and features two circular fenestrations.
Humeral Retractor
2 blunt prongs, 25.0mm x 102.0 mm (bristow/bankart type)Â Humeral Retractor is designed for use in orthopedic surgical procedures that require access to the humerus. This retractor is designed to expose the bony portion while retracting all soft tissue surrounding structures. This instrument features two blunt prongs that allows it to apply a maximal amount of pressure without causing puncture wounds to the soft tissue.
Improved Rotating Kerrison Rongeur
Handle for Improved Rotating Kerrison Rongeurs come in both the stainless steel and ceramic coated finish. These handles are to be used in conjunction with the Improved Rotating Kerrison shafts, which are sold separately. The no-spring design handle design elimates the risk of broken springs or caught gloves.
Inge Lamina Spreader
jaws open to 1-1/2"Â Inge Lamina Spreader is an ideal instrument for use in orthopedic spinal surgeries. This instrument is specially designed to be inserted between the lamina of the spinal cord and gently spread it apart in procedures such as laminectomies. These jaws open to 1.5" and features serrated handles for a comfortable, no slip grip as well as a gently curve that keeps the instrument handle out of the surgical field. Additionally it is available in three lengths 6.25", 9.5" and 10" all with
Intervertebral Disc Rongeur
delicate, 3.0 mm x 10.0 mm cups, 6" (15.2 cm)Â Intervertebral Disc Rongeur is unique designed for use in neurosurgical orthopedic surgeries of the spine. This particular rongeur is of a delicate design and features 3.0 x 10.0 mm cups. Between each spinal vertebrae is a fibro-cartilaginous disc that is the intervertebral disc. Many spinal surgeries require manipulation of these discs such as herniated disc repair. This rongeur is available in three profiles: straight, curved up and curved down making it suitable for a wide variety of patient needs and surgeon preferences.
Jackson Ivd Rongeur
fenestrated jaws, 4.0 mm x 8.0 mm, 70 degrees up-angled, 7" (17.8 cm)Â Jackson IVD Rongeur is a highly specialized instrument made for use in handling the intervertebral discs. Between each bony vertebrae there is a fibro-cartilaginous segment that allows for cushioning of the vertebral column as the patient moves. A number of spinal procedures such as discectomies require the use of such an instrument to surgically repair a herniated disc. The unique design of this rongeur features fenestrated jaws which allows for the pressure applied to be spread over a larger surface area thus reducing any deformation of the IVD.
Jannetta Posterior Fossa Retractor
Jannetta Posterior Fossa Retractor is a specialized instrument for use in neurosurgical procedures. Specifically it can be utilized in craniotomies and other neurosurgeries that require retraction of the soft tissue and other layers in the posterior cranial fossa. This retractor features a round handle for manual operation. Additionally it is available with a variety of different blades ranging in size and malleability or in a full set with a retractor body, double round bar and all six retractor blades.
Jansen Rongeur
jaws 4.0 mm wide, 7" (17.5 cm)Â Jansen Rongeur is an instrument designed for use in bone reshaping and handling. Procedures such as fracture repair or procedures such as craniotomies that require access through the bony skull are ideal situations for use of this instrument. This rongeur can be used to enlarge preformed holes in bone to increase access to the surgical field or to cut or gnaw away at smaller bone or other types of hard tissue layers. This instrument is available in a curved or straight profile making it well suited for a vast array of surgical interventions.
Jansen Rongeur – Bayonet
jaws 4.0 mm wide, bayonet shaped, curved, 7-1/2" (19.0 cm)Jansen Rongeur is an instrument designed for use in bone reshaping and handling. Procedures such as fracture repair or procedures such as craniotomies that require access through the bony skull are ideal situations for use of this instrument. This rongeur can be used to enlarge preformed holes in bone to increase access to the surgical field or to cut or gnaw away at smaller bone or other types of hard tissue layers. This instrument uniquely features a slight curvature as well as a bayonet shape that allows it to access some more difficult to reach areas.
Juers-Lempert Rongeur
straight jaws on curved handles, jaws 3.0 mm wide, 7-1/2" (19.0 cm)Jeurs-Lempert Ronguer is a multiple purpose instrument that can be used in a number of different surgical procedures in which it is necessary to handle or move bone in some way. These rongeurs feature curved spring handles that allows this instrument to have the necessary contour for use in the body. Additionally the straight jaws allow for them to reach deeply into particular areas where bones are located. This instrument can be used gently to handle bone and with more force and pressure for cutting and reshaping of bone or bony tissue areas in a number of orthopedic surgeries.
K-Wire Side Cutter – Tungsten Carbide
tungsten carbide jaws, cuts up to 0.047" (1.1 mm) diameter hard wire, 6" (15.2 cm)Â K-Wire Side Cutter is a versatile instrument that can be used in a variety of surgical procedures. It is specifically designed for use in cutting wire in a particular perpendicular orientation. The unique design of this instrument allows it to comfortably be set flush against the areas where the wire has been inserted and clip it at a length that makes it the best fit. A variety of spinal procedures require for the placement of wire through the newly grafted area to give additional support throughout recovery and this instrument can be used in manipulation and cutting of these wires. Additionally this instrument features tungsten carbide jaws and can cut wires up to a diameter of 1.1 mm.
Kirk Mallet
stainless steel head, 1 lb., 7 oz., 1.5" head diam., 7-1/4" (18.4 cm)Â Kirk Mallet is designed for use with chisel type instruments that require an added force that can be provided by the swinging force of this mallet. It is designed for use in manipulating and cutting through bone and other dense tissue materials. Additionally this mallet features a stainless steel head that that is strongly built to resist deformation when it comes in contact with other tools. The head of this mallet is 1.5" diameter all the way through its cylindrical shape giving a large surface area for distribution of force.